1 ) Go to Blogger
2) Click on Pages .
3) Click on New Page
4) Go to HTML of the Page .
5) Paste the following code in the HTML :
<script type="text/javascript">
var numposts = 8;
var standardstyling = true;
function showrecentposts(json) {
for (var i = 0; i < numposts; i++) {
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
var posttitle = entry.title.$t;
var posturl;
if (i == json.feed.entry.length) break;
for (var k = 0; k < entry.link.length; k++) {
if (entry.link[k].rel == 'alternate') {
posturl = entry.link[k].href;
posttitle = posttitle.link(posturl);
if (standardstyling) document.write('<li>');
if (standardstyling) document.write('</li>');
<h3> Title </h3>
<script src="http://www.bappadebnathbpd.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/Bappa%20Debnath?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentposts&max-results=999"></script>
6) Change The following things :
var numposts = 8; ( How many post you want to show per label )
<h3> Title </h3> ( Give the Label Title )
<script src="http://www.bappadebnathbpd.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
( Replace with your blog )
/-/Bappa%20Debnath? ( Change with your label )
7) Click On Publish . You re done :)
Warning : Don't Now click on COMPOSE otherwise it wont work
Disclaimer : If you have any issue regarding any article/photo/post feel free to contact us . We will try our best to fix the problem or remove the post .
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